The goal of anger management is to move a person from unhealthy expressions of anger into healthy communications. But this is difficult without accurately defining the harming behaviors. Use this list to identify unhealthy anger expressions in major relationships (spouse, parent, and child) and differing environments (home, work, and school).
- When frustrated, can be direct and forceful
- Voice becomes louder when angry
- When confronted, there is a quick rebuttal
- Known for expressing opinions
- Other’s feelings are overlooked in light of resolving a problem
- History of bickering with family
- Tendency to be repetitious during arguments
- Hard to resist pointing out other’s mistakes or errors
- Strong willed
- Outburst is not proportional to event
- Throws things when angry
- Give advice without others asking for it
- Can be physical intimidating
- Hits during a disagreement
- When frustrated, become silent knowing it irritates others
- Sulks and pouts
- Uses biting sarcasm to deflect
- Procrastinates with undesirable projects
- When frustrated, lies and says everything is fine
- Avoids responsibility by claiming forgetfulness
- Deliberately evasive so others leave alone
- Approaches work projects half-heartedly
- Stares straight ahead when confronted
- Intentionally missed deadlines
- Blames others for mistakes
- Complains about others behind their back
- Sabotages unwanted projects
- Refuses to do a favor knowing this will irritate
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- Doesn’t like others knowing personal problems
- When frustrated, portrays as having it all together
- Impatient about little things
- Reserved about sharing problems
- Won’t admit to being angry
- Won’t mention when others have said something upsetting
- Depressed and moody
- Lives on the edge of exploding
- Resentful thinking but never spoken
- Physical symptoms such as headaches, stomach, sleep problems
- Wonders if opinions are valid
- When confronted, feels paralyzed
- Avoids conversations about sensitive subjects
- Erupts rarely and is quickly embarrassed
By contrast, the assertive checklist can be used to highlight appropriate expressions of anger and new ways of addressing conflict. It might seem unnatural at first but the end result of stronger interpersonal relationships is worth a bit of discomfort.
- When frustrated, expresses it without blaming others
- Doesn’t make threatening or intimidating remarks
- Is honest about feelings of anger without being forceful or meek
- Seeks to resolve conflict mutually
- Addresses sensitive subjects without insisting on being right
- Accepts responsibility for mistakes
- Willingness to forgive and leave other’s mistakes in the past
- Times confrontations so as to minimize intensity
- Confronts others kindly and gently
- Listens to other opinions without becoming angry
- Is respectful
- Sees the value in differing opinions
- Posture is neutral, not threatening or retreating
- Gains more trust after confrontation